Why Might I Seek Counselling?

Counselling issues may be related to a number of factors. We will work to determine possible causes, underlying issues, and functions of behaviour to help manage even complex behavioural challenges.

  • Sleep

  • Anger

  • Aggression

  • Defiance

  • ADHD

  • Transitions

  • Anxiety

  • Mood

  • Trauma

  • Family Therapy

  • School refusals

  • Teenage challenges

  • Bullying

  • Perfectionism

  • Motivation

  • Worry

  • Decision making

  • Social difficulties

  • Mental health

  • Interpersonal Relationships

  • How to get support in school

  • Where to look for resources

  • Issues with technology

  • Other parenting concerns

  • General inquiry and consult

  • Transitions

  • Life goals and planning

  • Stabilizing Crisis Situations

  • Therapeutic Play

Therapeutic Play

Therapeutic play is a psychotherapeutic approach primarily used to help children ages 3 to 12 explore their lives and freely express repressed thoughts and emotions through play. Therapeutic play normally takes place in a safe, comfortable playroom, where very few rules or limits are imposed on the child, encouraging free expression and allowing the therapist to observe the child’s choices, decisions, and play style. The goal is to help children learn to express themselves in healthier ways, become more respectful and empathetic, and discover new and more positive ways to solve problems.

Therapeutic play helps children with social or emotional deficits learn to communicate better, change their behaviour, develop problem-solving skills, and relate to others in positive ways. It is appropriate for children undergoing or witnessing stressful events in their lives, such as a serious illness or hospitalization, domestic violence, abuse, trauma, a family crisis, or an upsetting change in their environment. Therapeutic play can help children with academic and social problems, learning disabilities, behavioral disorders, anxiety, depression, grief, or anger, as well as those with attention deficit disorders or who are on the autism spectrum.

Family Therapy

Family therapy or family counseling is a form of treatment that is designed to address specific issues affecting the health and functioning of a family. It can be used to help a family through a difficult period of time, a major transition, or mental or behavioral health problems in family members (Family Therapy, 2014). Family therapy can employ techniques and exercises from cognitive therapy, behavior therapy, interpersonal therapy, or other types of individual therapy. Like with other types of treatment, the techniques employed will depend on the specific problems the client or clients present with.

Behavioral or emotional problems in children are common reasons to visit a family therapist. A child’s problems do not exist in a vacuum; they exist in the context of the family and will likely need to be addressed within the context of the family (Herkov, 2016).

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is evidence-based, effective form of therapy. By understanding the connections between your thoughts, emotions, and behaviours, and how they can influence each other, CBT uses many well-researched techniques. Your therapist will identify which CBT strategy is best suited to your particular needs.

CBT is not generally considered a risky therapy, though there are some things to keep in mind:

  • Some types of CBT, like exposure therapy, can increase stress and anxiety while you’re working your way through it.

  • CBT does not work overnight. CBT can be thought of as a lifestyle change that you can build on and improve upon throughout your life.

  • It takes commitment and willingness to work on new techniques between sessions and after therapy has ended.

Working with Teens

Personalised, judgement free therapy for youth ages 13-17.

At Little Oaks, we recognize that adolescence is a time of immense growth and change, within a mind that is transitioning from child to adult; but the journey can be long and tumultuous. We consider it our goal to identify and share hope with families. We may offer insights and recommend resources, all in an effort to share hope. Many adults become distanced from adolescence and it can become confusing to know what to say and how to handle situations. Adults often have difficulty understanding and relating to youth, especially youth in crisis. We make it a point to help adults (and teens) understand the journey of adolescence. Children and youth deserve our efforts to understand, and it is our goal to help in this process. 

Forgiveness is huge. Acceptance is huge. Respect is huge. And it goes both ways. 

In the beginning, some people may find it difficult, stressful, or uncomfortable to confront their problems. Your therapist will work with you at your pace to help you reach your goals.

Specialized Therapy for Gifted Individuals

While gifted individuals have many and varied strengths, they so often struggle with social relationships and emotional regulation. A therapist who understands the unique profile and needs of a gifted individual is crucial to a successful therapeutic experience. Specialized training, experience, and skills are required of the therapist, and a trusting rapport sets the stage for a fruitful process. We collaborate with individuals to help them meet their full potential and allowing them to become the best they can be.

Supporting Transitions

Children, youth, and young adults have many things in common. Transitions are amongst them. Specifically, psychologists at Little Oaks work to help youth and young adults transition into new settings, whether it is supported-living for individuals with high needs, or post-secondary studies, or the work environment. Many people find support during these times helpful and beneficial. 

Working with Adults

As we age, many people are still learning who they are or who they want to be. Whether you are struggling with a specific problem, like mood, anxiety, worries, relationship problems, or learning issues, or are just looking for some general support, we are here to help. We use strategies that are effective and help you find your way as quickly as possible. We would like to help you achieve your goals and live your life to its fullest potential. For more information about our theoretical approach, see our team bios.   

In the beginning, some people may find it difficult, stressful, or uncomfortable to confront their problems. Your therapist will work with you at your pace to help you reach your goals.

What to expect from a counselling appointment:

  1. First appointment - you will meet with your therapist who will listen to your reason for coming in and ask you a series of questions to gain insight into the main concern. By the end of the first appointment you will make a plan together about how to proceed.

    The first couple of appointments may involve assessment and possible diagnostic considerations.

  2. Follow-up Sessions - additional appointments assist with next steps and support, and begin treatment. Sessions may be booked weekly, biweekly, or monthly, depending on your situation and needs.

Counselling, Neurodiversity Consulting, Behavioural Interventions (reduced rate)

with Experienced Masters or Doctoral Student under direct supervision of a Registered Psychologist

As part of the Masters or Doctorate of Applied Psychology/Counselling programs, Masters & Doctoral students are required to complete supervised assessments. At Little Oaks Psychology, we value being involved in supporting and training promising new clinicians and are excited to offer a limited number of treatment services at a REDUCED RATE through this training program. Please contact our Intake Coordinator at (780) 405-4209 to be added to our list of prospective clients eligible for this reduced rate service.

All intern/practicum students are assessed for competency prior to their engagement with clients and have had many hours of experience prior to working with any clients. Case formulation, treatment planning, and recommendations are directly supported by the Registered Psychologist supervising the practicum/intern student. Individuals must understand that they are working with a Masters or Doctoral student, who is in training and under supervision.

Contact Our Intake Clinician for more information or to be put on the list for this service.

About Telehealth Counselling:

Note: CHROME or FIREFOX are required for Video Telehealth Sessions.

Services delivered via telemental health rely on a number of electronic, often Internet-based, technology tools. These tools can include videoconferencing software, email, text messaging, virtual environments, specialized mobile health (“mHealth”) apps, and others.

Online & Phone Counselling Sessions are available with several clinicians as an alternate or additional service to in-person sessions. Sessions are provided via online and phone to enable access to most.

Please contact us with any questions or to speak to our Intake Clinician. 

Online Counsellors support clients with various aspects of navigating their life and circumstances to empower growth and change. They are committed to helping people understand their strengths and specific challenges and develop effective skills necessary for achieving academic, career, family, and life goals. The approach is practical, straightforward and goal-directed, and focuses on solutions to help clients cope and effectively manage challenges in life.

Online CBT can be very effective when in-office appointments are a challenge to get to, or simply don’t work for you. 

See Our Recent BLOG POST About Online Counselling

Pain is inevitable in life; stress is optional.

We don't always control our emotions or our feelings, but we can learn to understand them. Through understanding we find acceptance.
We can control the way we cope. 
We can control the way we respond.